Reese Niu
Reese Niu
Workforce Planning Director

Reese Niu brings her passion for service as Elevate’s Workforce Planning Director. Her goal is to erase the barriers that those living in poverty encounter when trying to enter the workforce.
Originally from Samoa, Reese’s culture places a high value on service to others. She loves being a part of Elevate and believes surrounding yourself with passionate people makes you a better person. Prior to joining the Elevate family, Reese worked as a police officer. She grew up in San Diego and moved to the East Coast to play volleyball at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.
Her passion extends to music. Reese has a playlist for every phase of her life, starting in elementary school with her first No Doubt cassette.
When she is not working to make Rapid City a better place to live for low-income families, Reese is cheering on her two daughters, Marley and Reese, in their variety of activities.